Monday, April 27, 2009

Great idea!

I think this is a wonderful idea to try and keep everyone connected. I've been connecting with cousins on Facebook but I think this is a great place to introduce ourselves again. I am Pam Klingler Rolfe, Val Klingler's daughter. I am married to Josh Rolfe and we are living in Layton, UT with our four kids - Connor (9), Emmalee (8), Andrew (7), and James (4). We also have a dog named Coda. He is a lab and is full of life. We are just doing every day stuff - Connor has been playing football, Emmalee is in competition dance, Andrew plays soccer, and James does whatever he isn't supposed to. :) Josh works in Salt Lake as a network administrator/web developer and is the Stake Executive Secretary for his church calling. He is also Andrew's soccer coach. I am at home with the kids and do a few things here and there to make a little extra "playing" money. I am the Relief Society President in our ward right now which keeps me especially busy, but it is fun. I hope to get to know the kids of the cousins here. I know my cousins, but would LOVE to hear what you are all up to; but after that, I don't really know anyone's kids. So introduce yourself to me here and hopefully we can all connect at the next big family reunion.
Pam and my daughter Emmalee

Josh and James

Connor (with his broken arm from football) :)
Andrew at Skateboard camp

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