Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Please don't faint.

This is Vicki, ElRay's wife (I think). It is the first day of school at Kennedy Elementary in good old Rexburg. It is late, only the janitor and I are left in the building. I just cannot figure out how everyone else gets everything done by 3:30. Anyway, our news. As most of you know, ElRay had triple bipass surgery last February. He is almost back to his usual happy-go-lucky self thanks to insulin injections and a CPAP machine. Heidi and Noah and their 6 children are busy with everything being the parent of 6 children brings. Their oldest is almost 17 and a Jr. in High School!!!! Brandi is now working as NICU nurse at Mountain View Hospital in Idaho Falls. Jason, after years of running his own construction company, is making a career change. He is majoring in aviation at Utah Valley and flying in Boise. He wants to fly helicopters in Alaska so Nancy maybe someday he'll knock on your door. Nick and Mary have two little girls and still going to school. Tyler will graduate in December with a degree in data systems. Who knows where he will go next, perhaps China. He did take a fun trip to China between semesters. Mitzi is working and going to school. She has one more year before she has her degree and teaching certificate in History. Mindi is in school majoring in photography. Shaini is in school but still hasn't decided on a career. Mitzi and Tyler are both ordiance workers at the Rexburg temple and love it. Sometimes they get to work with Aunt Darlene, which is a real treat for them. Our entire family, thanks to a gift from Brandi, just returned from a 10 day California vacation. We spent 3 days traveling, 5 days at Disneyland, 1 day at the Beach, and are now working on recovering. We were quite the sight, all 20 of us, 4 strollers and 1 wheelchair for grandma...but did we ever have fun. It reminded me of all the fun times we had when the Klingler counsins are little and ElRay and I were young. What fun.

We love all of you so much.