Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nancy Klingler Morrison Family News

We have had a crazy and fun summer so far! Dylan was in a circus camp and learned many different tricks and things that you see at the circus. This is a picture of him in his performance make up. And Colton just went out with Ken on his first halibut fishing trip the day after Fathers Day and caught himself a 120 lb halibut! It was bigger than him and he was quite excited! Ken said that he pulled it up all by himself. Not bad for only his 2nd halibut he has ever caught. I am exicted that the freezer is filling up with all this yummy fish! Myah, Quincy, and Dylan are in gymnastics and Colton has started with the Kodiak Island Drummers. So cool to watch. They have some performances on YouTube if you are interested. Just type in Kodiak Island Drummers and you should be able to pull them up. Any who's, we are enjoying a fantastic summer here in Kodiak with all the fishing, berries and wildflowers to pick, and our beach exploring. We would love to see anyone who has an adventurous itch to scratch!! ;) Hope you all have a wonderful summer!!!


  1. That is a most amazing fish!! And the drummers...wow! :) Sounds like a great summer. Are you staying there this winter as well?

  2. Yes, we have lived here in Kodiak for the last year and a half. We love it here and plan on staying here for quite a long time. The winters are no worse than Rexburg winters, it is actually warmer here in the winter then Rexburg.
